An Honest Bark at the World of Traditional Catholicism

29 September 2011


Diogenes submits another exhibit for the readers' reflection:

In front of a group of young seminarians, a veteran instructor and long-time priest hurriedly delivered to an older seminarian a crash-course on the administration of the sacrament of Extreme Unction. In his customary rushed manner, the instructor modeled how and where to apply the oil. When he arrived at the anointment of the feet, he suddenly stopped. Turning to the group of younger seminarians, he asked in grave puzzlement: "Would you do the unction on the soles of the feet? Or on the top of the feet? I'm not sure! What do you think?"

Yes, indeed: What do you think? After many years in the priesthood, the instructor still did not know precisely where to anoint the feet!

You would never tolerate such amateur pedagogy in the training of plumbers, electricians, carpenters, chefs, pilots, physical therapists, veterinarians, dentists, physicians etc. You would never trust a leaky commode or major household repairs or your pet or your health and life to anyone who had received training from instructors with such imperfect professional knowledge.

Why, then, would anyone entrust his immortal soul to men who had received their priestly formation under such instruction?

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